Now there are 6 more butterflies! When we add that to the 2 butterflies that came out earlier, that makes 8 butterflies altogether with more to come...
In the photos above, you can see that just before the butterfly comes out, the chrysalis gets darker. The butterfly crawls out of the chrysalis through a split in the chrysalis. The empty chrysalis is very thin and fragile. The wings of the butterfly are all folded up and the butterfly pumps blood into the wings to make them spread out. When the wings are big and flat the butterfly gets rid of that blood and that is why we see blood in the butterfly cage. The butterflies like to drink orange juice from fresh oranges and orange Gatorade!
Here are the answers to some of your questions. Remember to email me your questions and I will answer them here.
* Butterflies only drink. They do not eat.
* They drink with a long, hollow tongue called a proboscis. It works like a straw and the butterfly curls it into a spiral when it is not drinking.
* Butterflies smell with their antennae.
* Butterflies taste with their feet.
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