Sunday, March 25, 2012

Update from Ms. R

This week, the students were given a new homework project. As part of our science unit on Light and Sound, the children each chose a human invention that uses light and/or sound for it to work. The project is to research this invention and present the information on a poster. The outline (required information) and rubric (a chart showing the requirements for the mark of Level 4 or A, Level 3 or B, Level 2 or C and Level 1 or D) were given to the children on Friday. This project is due on Thursday, April 5.

Important Dates:

March 29 - Math Night (6:00 to 7:00)
April 6 - Good Friday (no school)
April 9 - Easter Monday (no school)
April 27 - Field trip to Medieval Times Dinner Theatre

News for March 23

News for March 23

This week the students completed a class research project, that integrated math, literacy and media studies, to determine the best Lay's potato chip product. The children tallied and graphed which was the best potato chip based on looks, crunchiness, saltiness, greasiness and taste. They also looked at which chip had the most sodium and calories. Then, the class brainstormed ideas on how to make the potato chips better and their ideas for how the company could sell more potato chips. Finally, each student wrote a letter to the Lay's Company to tell them what they learned from their research and to tell them their ideas on how to make better potato chips and how to sell more packages of chips. All the graphs and letters are now on the display board outside of our classroom. We will mail the letters and graphs to Lay's and hopefully, they will write back!
The grade 3's worked as a group to research and create a play telling the story of the invention of potato chips. They performed the play in front of the grade 4 students. A video of this play can be found at the end of this posting.
In math, the students learned about making and interpreting pictographs, creating survey questions, making and interpreting bar graphs and how to use a key (scale or legend).
The students learned about the life of Helen Keller (1880-1968), an inspirational woman who traveled all over the world to bring attention to the issues of deaf and blind people. The students also began to view the movie "The Miracle Worker", a movie based on Helen Keller's life.
The class learned and practiced how to use quotation marks in their writing.
In science, the children learned about the terms transparent (clear), translucent (some light can get through) and opaque (no light is able to get through). They did experiments to determine which of these terms applies to different materials. The class also brain-stormed different human inventions that use light and/or sound in order to function. Each child then chose an invention on which to do research for the research project poster due on Thursday, April 5th.
Books read aloud this week:
Helen Keller: A Determined Life by Elizabeth MacLeod
The Woman Who Outshone the Sun - The Legend of Lucia Zenteno by Gabriel Cruz Martinez

The Room 5 Interview Show!
This week, Haleigh and Thomas interviewed Ms. Harnick.

The Story of Potato Chips (a play by the grade 3 students)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Update from Ms. R

I apologize for posting last week's new so late. Unfortunately, I was sick for most of the week! But I'm on the mend now, getting ready for going back to school on Monday.

The homework is to write a story in the homework writing journal about what it would be like to live in a world without light or sound (to get the children thinking about our new science unit on light and sound). This homework is due on Friday, March 23rd.

News for March 9

News for March 9

The last week before the March Break had a lot of special events. The students had two assemblies. One was a student recognition assembly that focused on fairness. The other was a presentation by an actor that taught the children about the power of masks. The children also went on a field trip to the Young People's theatre to see the play, "The Never Ending Story". (Thanks to Amelie's mom, Doron's mom and Dylan's mom for joining us on this trip!)
The class ended the unit on myths, legends, folktales and fables by learning the legend of King Arthur and the Greek myth of the Theseus and the Minataur. The students sketched out a key scene from the myths they wrote and combined these with a good copy of their stories. These will be put on display in the hallway outside our classroom.
In math, the students continued the unit on data management. They learned about different kinds of graphs (for example, vertical and horizontal bar graphs) and how to properly label and title the graphs. Each day the children practice their multiplication facts and graph the number of correct answers, to illustrate how they are improving. The students created his/her own survey question to ask the children in the class. Then the students answered all 22 of the survey questions, tallied the results of his/her own survey and graphed the results.
For many weeks, the class has worked with Mr. Hinrichsen to get ready for a dodgeball tournament.The class competed against the children in Ms. Brand-Jacobsen's class and everyone worked hard and had a great time.
In science, the students wrote down what they thought light was and what sound was. This documents their current thinking and when we finish the unit, the students can then review and reflect on how their thinking about light and sound has changed.
Books read aloud this week:
Frindle by Andrew Clements (chapter book - finished)
The Boy With Square Eyes (a tale of televisionitis) - a modern fable by Juliet and Charles Snape
The Book That Eats People by John Perry (a modern legend)
The Room 5 Interview Show!
This week Carson and Dylan interviewed Ms. Mantello. She is the French teacher and the librarian for our school.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Update from Ms. R

The homework for this week is to complete a math worksheet on graphing. This worksheet was given to students on Friday and is due Friday, March 9th. Of course, students are also supposed to READ at home every day for 20-30 minutes (or more!)

Important Dates:
March 7 - Field Trip - "The Never-Ending Story" at the Lorraine Kimsa Theatre for Young People
March 12-16 - March Break
March 29 - Math Night
April 6 - Good Friday - no school
April 9 - Easter Monday - no school

Saturday, March 3, 2012

News for March 2

News for March 2

Our class was fortunate to be asked to visit Sharon Mitchell's classroom this week to see a demonstration of a Promethean Board. This is a large interactive computer that aids students' learning through a large, interactive computer screen. The students also got to use individual remotes to answer questions.
Here are two of the internet sites we visited:
This week the class focused on myths and fables. We learned about Aesop, the Greek slave that created over 600 fables (short stories that teaches a lesson or moral) over 2,600 years ago. We read and discussed several of his fables.
It's interesting to note that humans can still learn from these stories written so long ago.
When writing a thank you note to Sharon, the students realized that the Promethean Board computer was named after a mythical Greek character Prometheus. When we looked up the myth, the grade 3 students created a play to tell the story of Prometheus, who stole fire from the Gods for humans to have on earth. He was punished by being chained to a mountain for centuries and had his liver plucked out each night by an eagle. Finally, Hercules came , killed the eagle and set Prometheus free. The grade 3's presented the play to the grade 4's on Friday.

In math, the students reviewed multiplication and division facts and how to properly answer word problems. Both grades wrote a math test on Thursday. At the end of the week, the class began the unit on data management and graphing, by reviewing different types of graphs and how to create horizontal bar graphs, vertical bar graphs and pictographs as well as how to interpret the information in graphs.
The students looked at different ways to make letters and used what they learned to create posters. They each received words from the ancient Sanskrit poem, "Salutation to the Dawn". The students recite this poem each morning to remind us of how each day of our lives are precious. The students made a video of this poem and their artwork. This video can be found at the end of this posting.

In writing, the students each wrote a short myth entitled, "How a Porcupine Got his Quills". The children had some very creative ideas! Then the students each chose something from the natural world to explain using a myth. For example, "How the Turtle Got Its Hard Shell". They all finished their story planners and were working on the rough copy of this story.

Books read aloud this week:
Frindle by Andrew Clements - chapter book
How to Tell a Myth by Robert Walker
How to Tell a Fable by Suri Rosen

The Room 5 Interview Show!
This week Julia and Sarah interviewed Ms. Denton.