Friday, September 23, 2011

Update from Ms. R

It was wonderful seeing all the families at the BBQ and Curriculum Night on Thursday night. I really enjoyed talking about the grade 3 and grade 4 program and all the great work that your children are doing this year in Room 5. Thanks also for your donations of Kleenex to our classroom!
Our movie field trip was a great success despite all the rain. I would like to thank Dylan's dad, Haleigh's mom and Julia's mom for volunteering their help on this trip.
Note: We had our first library visit this week. Our class library book exchange is on DAY 5.

The homework this week is to write a movie review of the film "Dolphin Tale" that we saw on our field trip to Silver City Cinemas on Friday. A movie review worksheet was sent home with your child on Friday. This homework is due next Friday (September 30).

Important Dates
September 28 - Terry Fox Run - Please bring a toonie to donate to cancer research
October 10 - Thanksgiving Day - No classes on this day.
October 22 - Celebrate the 150th anniversary of Davisville Public School! (1:00-4:00 PM)
October31 - Halloween

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