On Wednesday, the students had their class photo taken as well as individual pictures. We had our Welcome Back BBQ and Curriculum Night on Thursday. On Friday we went with Ms. Brand-Jacobsen's class to see a movie at Silver City Cinemas.
The children worked some commonly misspelled words this week. Friend and the homophones they're/their/there are particularly tricky! We also looked at the different rules to pluralize nouns.
The basic parts of a story (characters, setting, problem, solution) were reviewed and the students analyzed the book "The Paper Crane".
In math, the class continued to look at number patterns. We reviewed how to use a calculator and how to use a calculator to generate growing and shrinking patterns. We learned about the French mathematician and physicist, Blaise Pascal (162 - 1662). He discovered a way of generating a growing pattern, known as Pascal's Triangle, that is filled with different kinds of number patterns. The students made their own Pascal's Triangle on the bulletin board outside out classroom, and we are still discovering patterns! We also reviewed how to use place value blocks to deepen our understanding of larger numbers.
The students created "time capsules" this week to be opened in June 2012. Each child made a little book filled with information about him/herself . We talked about the kinds of things that may change and those things that won't change. After reviewing how to write a letter, the students each wrote a letter to the "future" student they will be in June.
Thanks to Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle, we had a few discussions about what is meant by the word "imagination". The best one was when to use your imagination. For example, using it to write a fiction story is good. Using it to manufacture an excuse in front of the principal is not so good...
We began a big project this week. We are attempting to fold 1000 paper cranes as a peace project for Remembrance Day. The students managed to fold their first paper cranes and are very enthusiastic about working on this very ambitious project.
And finally, the class had a great time on our first field trip to see the movie "Dolphin Tale". There were so many interesting things in this movie, we will have a lot to talk about next week! Meanwhile, you can see Winter the dolphin via webcam and play games at:
Books read aloud this week:
Have I Got A Book For You by Melanie Watt
Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle by Betty MacDonald
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