Saturday, September 10, 2011

Update from Ms. R

The first week back at school is always an adjustment, for students and their teacher! We had a great week learning together.

I will post information on our class blog each week. I usually manage to post the photos by Friday night or Saturday morning. The commentary is usually finished by Sunday afternoon.
Please bookmark this site so you can visit to see and read about what your child does each week in Room 5.

Students in our class receive weekly homework assignments. Homework is assigned on Friday and due the following Friday. Sometimes a student may be asked to finish work at home that was not completed in class, but this is not a regular occurrence. The Toronto District School Board policy on student homework can be found at:

This week's homework is to complete the two-sided worksheet entitled, "A Little Bit About Me". This is in preparation for an upcoming activity. Of course, students should be READING EVERY DAY. That activity cannot be emphasized enough!

Our school runs on a five-day schedule. Next week, Monday is Day 5. A copy of our class schedule was send home with your child on Tuesday (yellow handout).
Mr. Hinrichsen requires students to wear proper footwear (running shoes) during gym. Our class has gym on Day 2, Day 3 and Day 4.
Ms. Mantello teaches French to the grade 4 students. Grade 4 students are required to purchase a three-ring binder for French class.
Next Friday, September 16, the grade 5/6 class is holding a fund-raising bake sale to raise money for African famine relief. A flyer was sent home with your child on Friday.

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