Today is Iggy's 14th birthday! Meow! (That's like 72 in cat years.)
Please keep reading to learn some cool facts about birthdays and how to fold a paper heart!
I posted two assignments on Google classroom today. One is a reading assignment about birthdays using fiction books on Epic books. The other is a math assignment with birthday word problems.
Here are some cool facts about birthdays:
* Domo's "birthday" is December 22, 1998. He's from Japan.
* The "Happy Birthday to You" song was first sung in the U.S.A. and was copyrighted in 1912, but people think it was sung before that.
* Since your last birthday, the earth has gone around the sun once, 31 million seconds have passed (actually 31,536,00), your nails have grown 4 cm and your hair has grown 12 cm!
* When your age and birthday date are the same number, it's called your "Golden Birthday". So if you are born on the 8th of the month and it's your 8th birthday, it's your "Golden Birthday".
Please remember to draw your colourful words of the poem, Salutation to the Dawn, and email me a photo for our class photo collage. See last Friday's blog post for the instructions.
This week, I made a video showing how to fold a paper heart. I chose a heart because I wanted to make one for my cat Iggy for this birthday. It was fun to make so I thought you would like to learn to make one too.
*** These days, your parents are very tired from doing their jobs and looking after you. Take a moment, fold a paper heart and give one to your mom and make one for your dad too. It will make them smile!
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