Sunday, February 19, 2017

Update from Ms. R

The homework for this week to write a movie review, on the worksheet provided, of a movie that your child has seen at home or the movie theatre. There is a math sheet reviewing multi-digit addition/subtraction with regrouping and on the back of this sheet is a cursive review activity. This homework is due on Friday, February 24th.
It was wonderful to meet with all the parents this week! Thank you to everyone for taking the time to come in to talk about your child's learning at school. Here are some points I spoke to parents about:
1. READING - Please make sure your child reads for at least 20 minutes EACH day. Reading is a skill that needs to be practised. Your child can read to him/herself and/or you can read aloud a chapter book and talk about it with them. Students are welcome to borrow books from our classroom anytime they wish. A family trip to the library is also a great way to get a variety of different books and have some "together time" too. These kinds of activities are a great way to make meaningful memories with your child.
2. TYPING - The curriculum and our facilities at school do not allow for teaching children how to type on a keyboard. However, they are expected to type starting in grade 4 (junior grades have sets of laptop computers). There are lots of games online that can help your child to learn the QWERTY keyboard style of touch typing.
3. MATH FACTS - Help your child to automate (memorize) addition and subtraction facts by taking 5 minutes a day and practice orally or use flash cards or a purchased workbook. Get them to be the "teacher" and test you too! Children who have a quick recall of these facts do better at multiplication and division and when solving more complicated word problems.
4. EQAO - This is the standardized test that all grade 3 students in Ontario write at the end of May. More information will be sent to you by the school in May. If you would like more information about the test, please visit the website

Important Dates:
February 28 - Mardi Gras/Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Tuesday (in class)
March 13 to 17 - March Break holiday
April 14 - Good Friday holiday
April 16 - Easter Sunday
April 17 - Easter Monday holiday
May 22 - Victoria Day holiday
June 9 - P.A. Day (no school)
June 29 - Last day of school for the 2016-2017 school year

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