Sunday, February 12, 2017

News for February 10

News for February10

The BIG news in our class this week was the arrival of some new pets! Sadly, a few weeks ago, our pet snail passed away. Two new snails, "Goldie" (a golden mystery snail) and "George" (a black mystery snail) joined our two African clawed frogs in our aquarium. Also, on the recommendation of the clerk at the pet store, I purchased a "Marimo mossball plant". Actually, it's not moss at all, but a colony of algae in the shape of a sphere that will help to clean the water in the tank. The children chorally read aloud information about snails and their shells to help them learn more about snails. I read aloud some facts about algae to help them understand the new mossball plant.
In math, the students continued the measurement unit by learning to measure area. Area is defined as the measurement of the flat space inside the perimeter of an object. Using pattern blocks, unifix cubes and graph (squared) paper, the children used these non-standard units to measure the area of various two-dimensional figures. At the end of the week, they worked with a partner to figure out what happens to the perimeter of figures that have the same area but are different shapes. (The perimeter of two figures can be different even if the area is the same.)
The children began to work in three different groups to produce three different Reader's Theatre plays. This type of play allows the students to read their parts, but also lets them act out their roles and create props and costumes. When they are ready, these plays will be videotaped and posted to the blog.
Our trip to the Kiwanis festival was wonderful! The grade 2/grade 3 choir won their division and at the end of the week, Ms. Konjhodzic told the class that the grade was changed to "platinum status" level, with a score of 92%, the highest so far in the festival. Great work!
Our "Estimate the Perimeter of the Gym" contest for the school was a great success! Lots of students entered our contest. Next week, we will measure the gym ourselves and then figure out the winners.
The children continued to work on their glovetopus chapter books. Some early finishers have started writing "Super Bonus Stories", to share in a class book.
In social studies, the children started to look at traditions and celebrations more formally. We've been observing many special days in the past months (and more to come). The children were asked to choose and write about a tradition/celebration in our class.
The class worked on their artwork of the ancient poem "Salutation to the Dawn" by the Sanskrit poet Kalidasa. It is a poem that reminds us to live each day the best way possible. This week the children painted an outline around the letters with thin paintbrushes and black paint, in order to be able to read the words clearly from a distance. When finished, the class will use the words on these posters to read the poem everyday as part of our morning routine.
Starting on Wednesday this week, three students were responsible for reading an announcement on the morning announcements. They told the whole school about some flag facts they have learned (since Flag Day is February 15th) and advertised our "Estimate the Perimeter of the Gym" contest. These announcements will continue into next week to allow all the children a chance to speak on the morning announcements. 
The class learned the cursive letters, "o, p, s". 
Due to scheduling difficulties this week, "The Room 204 Interview Show" was not done. It will return next week.
Books read aloud this week:
Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren (chapter book

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