Sunday, February 5, 2017

Update from Ms. R

The homework for this week is to create a new country and write about it in the homework writing journal. Using what they learned about with their country projects, the children are to create the money (currency), flags, population, language and more for the invented countries. There is also a math review worksheet with questions on calculating perimeter. This homework is due on Friday, February 10th.
There are a lot of sniffles in Room 204! If possible, please send a box of tissues to school with your child. Thank you so much.
Important Dates:
February 8 - Kiwanis Festival music trip 
February 10 - Family Skate Night (organized by Parent Council)
February 14 - Valentine's Day
February 15 - Flag Day 
February 15 - Term 1 report cards go home
February 16 (evening) and February 17 (morning) - parent teacher interviews
February 17 - PA Day - no classes
February 20 - Family Day holiday
February 28 - Mardi Gras/Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Tuesday
March 13 to 17 - March Break holiday

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