News for February 24
This week, each student presented his/her speech to our class. The children were then asked questions about their topic, given comments on what they did well and finally, what they could do next time to make the speech even better. The children voted for the best speeches for grade 3 and grade 4. In grade 3, the winners were Dylan (Lego) and Doron (Building a Treehouse). In grade 4, the winners were Dalton (I want to be Prime Minister) and Natasha (Being Nervous). Natasha and Dalton then went on to present their speeches at the junior grade Speech Contest on Friday. They both did an excellent job delivering their speeches!
The students studied the ancient Sanskrit poem, "The Salutation to the Dawn". It is a poem that reminds us to appreciate each and every day of our lives. Carpe diem!
The students began a class project where they are creating posters with words from the poem, "The Salutation to the Dawn" using different types of lettering to convey the meaning of the words.
Everyday this week, the students looked at palindrome word puzzles (words, phrases and sentences that read the same forwards and backwards). For example, "Mr. Owl ate my metal worm" and "Go hang a salami, I'm a lasagna hog".
In music, the children watched the movie, "The Never-Ending Story" in preparation for the field trip to see the theatre version on March 7th.
In math, the students worked to increase their understanding of division concepts. The class practiced how to use multiplication facts to help them with division facts. For example, each student worked on creating fact families. They worked in partners to solve the Marshmallow Jar Mystery. They knew that the jar held 316 marshmallows and that it took 12 scoops to fill the jar. Their task was to figure out how many marshmallows were in each scoop.
In our computer time this week, the students visited the games sites from the carnival day. Here is the link to one of the popular sites:
Books read aloud this week:
Frindle by Andrew Clements (continuation of the chapter book started last week)
Persephone and the Seasons (Greek legend)
The Room 5 Interview Show!
This week, Brandon and Natasha interviewed Mr. Lee.
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