The BIG NEWS this week is that the guys who sent the "Lego Man" into space have accepted our invitation to come to our school! The date still has to be determined but the students were so excited that these creative young men saw their video and have decided to visit us.
The class finished their science projects on stability and worked hard to communicate what they learned on a poster. These are now on display in the hall outside of our classroom.
The students started to write their speeches this week. After learning the basics on how to write a speech they began by brainstorming ideas then worked on how to write a speech that would be interesting to their audience. We reviewed how to write a haiku poem and I challenged the students to write 100 haiku poems for the 100th day of school and, as you can see from the photos, they managed to do it!
In our guided reading groups, the children learned about how the names of the days of the week are based on the names of Roman gods, but the names may be of French or German origin. They also learned that the names of the planets in our solar system are also based on the names of Roman gods. For example, Tuesday is named after the Mars the god of war (in French, Mardi) but the Germanic equivalent was the god Tui, hence "Tuesday".
In math, the class reviewed the multiplication facts and how to properly, and completely answer word problems. The students wrote a unit test on Friday.
On Friday, it was the 100th day of school. The students did a lot of activities based on 100. They arranged 100 items (everything from marbles to football cards) into words and arrays. They used a timer for 100 seconds (or one minute and 40 seconds) and did a variety of physical activities (for example, how many jumping jacks can you do in 100 seconds?). They counted out and strung on string 100 fruit loops cereal pieces.
The students learned about the history of the Canadian flag. Did you know that the first flag was sewn by the 20 year-old daughter of a government worker on her home sewing machine? Did you know that the maple leaf was designed so that, even when the flag waves in the wind, you can still tell it's a maple leaf? After that discussion, I challenged the students to work together to create a HUGE Canadian flag. They drew and painted a large flag that is now on display in the stairwell by our classroom.

Here is a video of the day our flag was first flown in Canada, on February 15, 1965:
As our lovely amaryllis flower begins to fade, the children had an opportunity to look at the parts of a flower more closely with magnifying glasses and a microscope. The most startling discovery was that the surface of the petals had a sparkly layer under the surface!
The class learned about the life of the great Martin Luther King, Jr. After reading a biography of his life, the students had a chance to listen to a portion of his famous "I have a dream" speech. Here is the link:
In computer class this week the class practiced their math facts and patterning using the following sites:
The Honeybee Man by Lela Nargi
The Hershey's Multiplication Book by Jerry Pallotta
The Story of Our Flag by Ann-Maureen Owens
O Canada- An Illustrated Anthem by Roxanna Bikadoroff
Martin Luther King, Jr. by Barbara M. Linde
The Room 5 Interview Show!
This week Anna and Dominic interviewed Mr. Karacostas.
This week Anna and Dominic interviewed Mr. Karacostas.
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