News for February 16
The students spent a lot of time this week working on their speeches. From planning, to writing a rough draft, to editing, to writing the "good copy" on index cards the students all tried to write the best speech that they could. Finally, the students worked on the delivery of their speeches, how to use tone of voice, hand gestures and humour to get and keep, the attention of the audience.
The students reviewed how to create effective posters and used this information to create posters for the "Speech Arts 2012" contest. These posters will be put up to advertise this event all over the school.
In guided reading, the students began the unit on Myths, Legends and Fables by reading and analyzing the native legend, "How Summer Came to Canada". This is a legend from the tradition of the Micmac First Nations (eastern Canada).
In math the students began the unit on division. Using the understanding that division is the opposite of multiplication, the class used what they know about multiplication to help them with division.
The children welcomed Ms. Denton to our class for two days this week. Our class is part of an Ontario Government initiative where teachers do collaborative research to identify strategies in math and literacy to move students to the provincial standards and beyond.
The grade 4 students went to see a presentation from Officier Marcie, our school's Toronto Police Community Officer. She spoke to the students about internet safety.
On Tuesday, our class celebrated Valentine's Day by learning how to fold a paper origami heart and sharing treats. The grade 3 students used what they know about division and the idea of a "fair share" to evenly divide up the Valentine treats for all the students in the class.
In computers, the children visited sites to help them with division:
The class said "good bye" to our student teacher Ms. Tan this week. We wish her all the best in her teaching career!
Books read aloud this week:
How Summer Came to Canada retold by William Toye
Frindle by Andrew Clements (chapter book - to be continued next week)
The Room 5 Interview Show!This week, Ms. Bailey was interviewed by Amelie and Jacob.
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