Friday, September 17, 2010

Update from Ms. R

Many families still need to complete and return the information forms handed out last week. Thanks to all the families that have already handed these completed forms in.

* Remember, Thursday, September 23 is our school's Welcome Back BBQ and Curriculum night!
This week, forms were sent home to order food. You MUST order food in advance. This way the planning committee orders only what is needed and there is no waste. Please remember to send in your forms to avoid disappointment.

A request from Ms. R As the weather changes and your child will be wearing boots to school, please plan to have a pair of shoes to leave at school. (Students are not allowed to walk in sock feet at school). Please have velcro shoes. Please. Often I am alone when the children arrive and it is difficult to stop to do up 20 pairs of shoelaces! Thanks for your understanding.

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