Saturday, September 4, 2010

How to Help Your Child Learn to Read

One of the things that families often ask is, "How can I help my child learn to read?"
The first, and easiest thing to do, is to read with them! There is no substitute for reading with your child each and every day. A child who has had 3 books read aloud to him/her everyday, comes into junior kindergarten with over 4,000 books read aloud to them! But it's not too late to start. Make a routine of reading with your child after school or at bedtime. Children tend to choose the same books over and over and that's okay. If you have a routine of reading three books before bed, for example, two could be the child's choice and one is the parent choice. That way, you can introduce different books (maybe even your favourites from your childhood) that might not intially appeal to your child. You may be surprised at which books become your child's favourites.

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