Friday, September 10, 2010

Update from Ms. R

Well, it's been a great week in kindergarten! Meeting and getting to know the students has been a lot of fun. I will be posting photos and the news every week. I usually post the photos on Friday evening and finish writing the post on Saturday.

Please remember to complete the student information package forms and return them as soon as possible.

Important Dates:

Sept. 23 - Welcome Back BBQ and Curriculum Night (5:30 -7:30)
Oct. 11 - Thanksgiving Day - no classes on this day


Zachary's Mom said...


Thank you so much for posting a blog on our kids' day. What a wonderful way for parents to get a glimpse into their child's day.

I look forward to reading the blogs.

Zachary's Mom

Nancy Rawlinson said...

Thanks so much for your comment. Please look every week to see photos/videos/podcasts documenting the work of the students.

Ms. R