On Friday, at 2:00PM, the students went outside to the playground and watched the butterflies take off into the skies. It was amazing to watch how they could fly up and over the top of the school! One butterfly landed on Ms. R's jeans and didn't want to leave!
The class talked about the "red stuff" seen on the walls of the butterfly house. This liquid is used to help pump out and unfold the wings when the butterfly comes out of the chrysalis. Since it doesn't need the liquid after that the butterfly gets rid of it.
The class discussed why there was orange Gatorade in the butterfly house. Why not a burger and fries? The students thought that Gatorade was more like the sweet liquid (nectar) in flowers and maybe they could only drink liquid as an adult. Each student had a chance to drink some orange Gatorade to experience what the butterflies liked to drink.
The students figured out the 4-stage life cycle of the butterfly by reviewing and putting together what they had learned. First the egg (stage 1), next the caterpillar or larva (stage 2), then the chrysalis or pupa (stage 3) and finally the butterfly or adult (stage 4).
Ms. R,
From speaking with Haleigh and following along on the blog I am impressed by the butterfly project. What a fantastic way to learn about these amazing creatures. I think your class has shown fantastic skills of observation and kudo's to you for thinking up such a great project.
Thanks so much for your comment. The children really did a great job thinking about their theories and making connections.
Ms. R
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