This week,
the children began to write the instructions on how to make a sock creature. They also worked very hard to finish their creatures. Some even started to design and make clothes!
The class began to review the more "tricky" word wall words of the almost 200 words covered this year.
The students talked about doing a class research project on bubble gum. Since gum is not allowed in school, each child wrote a letter to our principal, Ms. Boyce. We are trying to convince her to allow our class to break this school rule for one day so that we can learn about the science of bubble gum, how it was invented and how to make our own bubble gum.
The grade 3's worked very hard reviewing material and strategies for the EQAO test that they will write next week.
In math, the students reviewed the key concepts with patterns, measurement (temperature) and money.
As the last part of our butterfly project, the students each made a special box to hold an empty chrysalis. Read more about this in a separate posting.
In science, the class is beginning a research project on birds. Students each chose a different bird to learn more about and started to make their research posters.
On Thursday, the students went to the gym to see a performance of "The Lorax" by Dr. Seuss.
As we continued our discussion about the importance of the sun to the earth, we read the folktale, "Arrow to the Sun" and viewed a NASA video/song with sun facts:
As we continued our discussion about the importance of the sun to the earth, we read the folktale, "Arrow to the Sun" and viewed a NASA video/song with sun facts:
On Friday morning the whole school went outside to participate in our Jump Rope for Heart event to raise money for the Heart and Stroke Foundation.
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