News for May 28
It was a 4-day week but the class was very busy! Tuesday morning started off with a "Jump Rope For Heart" assembly. This was to talk about fundraising for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. The event will be next Friday morning (June 4). Collection envelopes were sent home this week. More information can be seen at:
In math, the students are doing a lot of review work. They worked on pattern types and pattern rules, time and number facts. At the end of the week each students created a math game to help them with addtion, subtraction and (for grade 3) multiplication facts. The children then wrote out the instructions for the game. These games were sent home on Friday as part of the homework assignment.
In science, the students discussed how the sun is important and how all life can be connected back to the sun. The class watched a DVD about butterflies and moths. There was a lot of exciting news with our butterflies. Please see the update in a separate posting.
The students did a procedural writing task about how to get ready for school in the morning. We talked about how to design a poster to advertise the release of our butterflies, and the children each created a poster with the appropriate information.
The sock creature project is coming along nicely. The students are on their way to finishing them up. The students are working on planning a story featuring these creatures.
Darryl came by to deliver the finished pottery the children made. They are all beautiful! The glaze colours were much darker after going in the kiln (at 1000 degrees Celsius for 8 hours!). The class now has a greater appreciation of the number of steps and the amount of time to create a finished piece of pottery.
In computers, the students practised their speed, colour and number recognition using the following game:
(One student made it to level 13!)
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