The homework for this week is to write a fiction story about the animal sticker in the homework writing journal. There is also a math worksheet reviewing two-digit addition and subtraction and word problems (without regrouping/renaming). This homework is due on Friday, December 13th.
Notes for parents:
1. Food Bank Fundraiser - Our class is in charge of collecting money for Toronto's Daily Bread Food Bank. Did you know that there are over one million food bank visits in Toronto every year? Please help this organization battle food insecurity in our city by donating money to this very worthy cause. Our class is collecting money until December 13th. Please visit for more information.
2. Outdoor Clothing - Please send your child to school with adequate cold weather gear. A coat, boots, gloves and a hat (if the coat does not have a hood) are essential. Scarves and snowpants are needed when the wind chill makes it feel even colder outside. Please know that I will ensure that your child is adequately dressed for the weather. REMEMBER to tuck extra pairs of dry sock and mittens in your child's backpack. Often socks/gloves get wet and it's a nice feeling to be able to put on dry ones.
2. Swim Class - Until mid-January, our swim classes will be held on MONDAYS. Please make sure your child brings his/her swim gear on Mondays until mid-January. I will let you know when the date changes again.
December 6 - P.A. Day - no classes on this day
December 12 - Winter Concert - PRIMARY CHOIR MEMBERS ONLY! (Our class will perform in the Spring Concert.)
December 13 - Daily Bread Food Bank money collection finishes
December 21 to January 5 - Winter Break holidays
January 6, 2020 - School resumes
January 17 - P.A. Day
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