I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the students and their families a safe and happy holiday season and all the best in the new year...2020!
The homework for this week is....there isn't any homework! The children have worked very hard these last 75 days and they deserve a break. HOWEVER, the students all promised me that they will continue the habit of reading for at least 20 minutes (or more) each day.
The class also talked about the things that they can do that does not involve a computer, tablet or phone. Having a friend over to play, building/making things out of old boxes (tissue boxes are great for making things) and reused paper, playing board games, designing and making new games, taking a walk and playing outside are all wonderful ways to pass the time. We read a book a few months ago called "Square Eyes" about a boy who watched too much TV. SO... our electronic devices are wonderful, but we don't want to use them so much that we get "square eyes"!
Parent Notes:
1. Thank you to all the families for the very generous holiday gifts. Of course, these are not necessary, but I do appreciate them.
2. We raised $860.44 for Daily Bread Food Bank! Thanks to the hard work of the students in our class, our school will donate this money to help people in our city who don't have enough food to eat. The class was also recognized at our school assembly this week for their work during December's "kindness and caring" month.
December 21 to January 5 - Winter Break holidays
January 6, 2020 - School resumes - Remember to bring "indoor shoes" back to school.
January 17 - P.A. Day
January 27 - Family Literacy Day
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