Happy Father's Day to all the Room 222 families!
The homework for this week is to complete the science worksheet reviewing concepts from the simple machines unit and a multiplication math sheet. The children also took home a "times table" that they made to help them with multiplication fact recall. This is a reference sheet that is to be kept at home. This homework is due on Friday, June 21st.
Please dress your child appropriately for the weather. If your child wears sandals, they also need running shoes for gym class. Also, there isn't a lot of shade on the playground, so a hat and sunscreen are necessary on hot days. Please apply sunscreen at home before school as there is not a lot of time before recess for your child to do this. Our classroom only has a fan (no air conditioning), so please make sure your child has a water bottle to keep on his/her desk.
Important Dates:
June 26 - Term 2 (final) report cards go home
June 27 - Last day of classes for the 2018-2019 school year
September 3 - First day of classes for the 2019-2020 school year
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