Sunday, April 28, 2019

Update from Ms. R

The homework for this week is to write a story in the homework writing journal, on the topic of the student's choice, but with some form of math words in the story. This homework is due on Friday, May 3rd.

Please note:

1. The 15th annual 100 Books Party is this Wednesday, May 1 from 9:00 - 11:45 in Room 222. Please remember to send snacks with your child as we estimated that about 280 people will visit our classroom (and thanks to those who have already sent some in). Please also try to drop by, even if it's just for a few minutes. It will mean a lot to your child. Books! Writing! Food! Music! Fun!

2. Reminder that our swim time is now on TUESDAYS (Day 2). Please help your child to remember to bring his/her swim gear.

Important Dates:

MAY 1 - 100 BOOKS PARTY! (morning 9:00-11:45)
May 2 - Author Susan Aguillo visits our school.
May 14 - Jump Rope for Heart - fundraiser for the Heart & Stroke Foundation
May 16 - Spring Concert (evening) - Our class will be performing.
May 20 - Victoria Day - no classes on this day
June 7 - P.A. Day - no classes on this day
June 27 - Last day of classes for the 2018-2019 school year

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