Sunday, April 21, 2019

Update from Ms. R

The homework for this week is to complete the science reading comprehension worksheet on water in the environment and the math sheet reviewing written numbers from 0-100. This homework is due on Friday, April 26th.

Notes for Parents:

1. The pool has now reopened. Our swim class time is on DAY 2. Due to the recent holidays, Day 2 is now on TUESDAY of each week. Our next swim time is this Tuesday, April 23rd. PLEASE SEND SWIM GEAR WITH YOUR CHILD WHEN THEY RETURN TO SCHOOL ON TUESDAY. 

2. Our 100 Books Party is next week! We need food and snacks for 280 guests. We have permission from the principal to bring in food for this celebration. This is the only time of the year that I ask for contributions from families. Please send food snacks that can be eaten by hand. With so many guests we can't have plates or cutlery. Good choices are cookies, mini-muffins, chips, popcorn, cut up vegetables and fruit. Please send 2-3 bags of chips or other snacks. We can start to store the snacks in the classroom this week. THANKS!

Important Dates:

MAY 1 - 100 BOOKS PARTY! (morning)
May 2 - Author Susan Aguillo visits our school.
May 14 - Jump Rope for Heart - fundraiser for the Heart & Stroke Foundation
May 16 - Spring Concert (evening) - Our class will be performing.
May 20 - Victoria Day - no classes on this day
June 7 - P.A. Day - no classes on this day
June 27 - Last day of classes for the 2018-2019 school year

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