Sunday, February 17, 2019

Update from Ms. R

The homework for this week is to complete the math sheet about bar graphs and the social studies/language sheet about the history of Valentine's Day. This homework is due on Friday, February 22nd.

Notes for parents:

1. Thank you to all the parents who dropped by Room 222 last week! I always enjoy talking about the progress of the children and sharing the amazing work that they do.

2. Swim Class - We finally had our first swim lesson this week. Please know that photos of the class in the pool are NOT permitted by the TDSB. So there will not be photos on the blog of swim class. After the long weekend, our swim day (Day 2) is now on FRIDAYS. 

3. Online reading subscription - I have not tried this app myself, but it was recommended to me for families who would like to have access to fiction and non-fiction books for their children to read online. Here is the link :

Important Dates:

February 18 - Family Day - no classes on this day
February 25 - Kiwanis Festival trip - Primary Choir members ONLY
March 1 - School Spirit - Beach Day
March 11-15 - MARCH BREAK
April 19 - Good Friday - no classes on this day
April 22 - Easter Monday - no classes on this day
May 20 - Victoria Day - no classes on this day
June 7 - P.A. Day - no classes on this day
June 27 - Last day of classes for the 2018-2019 school year

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