This four-day week the children attended a performance of the play "Robin Hood", measured the length, width and perimeter of a HUGE Canadian flag and finally finished editing their chapter books.
The class began the week by making math posters with all the survey information from their individual surveys: survey question, tally sheet, graph and sentences interpreting the results. These are now on display on the bulletin board in our classroom.
The children finally finished learning the use and spellings of the number words from zero to twenty. At the same time, they reviewed how to solve word problems and focused on how to determine if the problem is to be solved by adding or subtracting.
The students learned about the writing genre of biography or the "map" of a life. After reading some author biographies on several of our read aloud books, we collected the kinds of information usually included in an author biography. The class then used this information to write author biographies about themselves. These author biographies will become a part of the chapter books.
On Tuesday, the class went to the auditorium to watch a performance of the play "Robin Hood". One of the students in our class was lucky enough to be picked to go up and be an actor in the play!
In guided reading, the children chorally read a fable book, "The Day the Sun Didn't Shine". The class talked about how a fable has a lesson embedded in the story. This story's lesson was "be careful what you wish for because it might come true", and we discussed what this meant.
The children worked very had to finish writing and editing their glovetopus chapter books. I will type these stories and the students will create little books with the typed pages.
In social studies, the class reviewed the directions north, east, west and south (NEWS) and how to use these words to locate places on a map and to move around on a map. We also talked a bit about compasses and how they work.
The students had a chance to review their measuring skills by measuring the length, width and perimeter of a HUGE Canadian flag. The flag is 270 cm long and 137 cm wide with a perimeter of 814 cm or over 8 metres!
In cursive writing, the class learned to write the cursive letters, t, w and p. The children also had a chance to review writing all ten letters learned so far.
On Friday, we were all ready for swim class, but unfortunately all swim classes were canceled for the day. So...I asked all the children to please leave their swim gear on their coat hooks, so that they will be ready for next Friday's swim lesson.
So... the cancellation of two periods of swimming gave us the opportunity to finally learn about Roman Numerals! In our class, the children use Roman Numerals when writing the "short date". For example, February 22, 2019 would be "22 II 19". The class learned how to read and write Roman Numerals from 1 to 20 using the letters I (one), V (five) and X (ten). Did you know that the Roman Numerals system does not have a symbol for zero? (That's one of the reasons the Western World switched to using Hindu-Arabic numbers, or the number system we use today.)
The Room 222 Interview Show will return next week with two new episodes. Stay tuned!
Books read aloud this week:
A Million Dots by Andrew Clements
Fun With Roman Numerals by David Adler
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