The homework for this week is to complete the worksheet reviewing money concepts and to write down a favourite joke or riddle to contribute to our class joke book. This homework is due on Friday, December 21st.
Parent Notes:
1. Please note that the concert next week is FOR PRIMARY CHOIR MEMBERS ONLY IN OUR CLASS. Our whole class will participate in a concert in the spring.
2. If your child is sick, is going to an appointment or on vacation and will be absent from school, please let me and the school office know. You may contact me by email. Laurie Gray is our office administrator and can be reached at 416-393-0570 or Laurie.Gray@tdsb.on.ca. Presently, the school does not have a system in place that lets me know when or why your child is away, if you only contact the office.
3. Please know that teachers are not allowed to administer medicine to your child. Arrangements can be made with school office if you wish, and the office has a refrigerator, if necessary.
Important Dates
December 3 - 19 - Daily Bread Food Bank fundraiser (Our class is in charge of this activity.)
December 21 - Pajama Day at school - Students may wear their jammies and bring a stuffie.
December 20 - Crazy Hat Day
December 21 - Last day of school for 2018.
December 22 - January 6 - Winter Holidays
January 7 - First day of school for 2019
January 7 - First day of school for 2019
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