Sunday, December 2, 2018

Update from Ms. R

The homework for this week is to complete the activity regarding thinking about and naming different kinds of liquids and solids. On the reverse is a letter writing practice activity. Your child is asked to write a letter to you about what you do during the day when your child is at school. (You are encouraged to either write a letter back or to tell him/her orally.) There is also a math worksheet reviewing time and temperature concepts. This homework is due on THURSDAY, December 6th, since Friday is a P.A. Day.

Parent Notes:

1. Our class is in charge of organizing the collection of money for Toronto's Daily Bread Food Bank, on behalf of our school. We will begin talking about this in class on Monday. As a connection to our math unit about Canadian money, the students will collect and count the money, they will also be using their media literacy skills to create posters and write and deliver messages on the morning announcements. Please send donations with your child to school and he/she can put it in our classroom collection jar.

2. The children attended an assembly this week about bullying prevention. Here is the link to the presenter's website:

3. One of the caretakers this week remarked to me that our classroom has the cleanest floor in the whole school! I shared this with the students and I told them that their efforts to pick up pencils, markers and pieces of paper has not gone unnoticed. We take time at the end of the day to make sure we tidy up the classroom. Well done everyone!

Parent Resources:


Here is the link to an excellent website with activities and tips for parents about talking to your child about math at home:


Reading aloud chapter books is a great at-home literacy activity and a wonderful bonding opportunity for you and your child. There are so many good books and children's tastes vary, but here is a link that lists suggested titles for grade 2 students:

Important Dates

December 7 - P.A. Day - no classes
December 3 - 14 - Daily Bread Food Bank fundraiser (Our class is in charge of this activity.)
December 22 - January 6 - Winter Holidays
January 7 - First day of school for 2019

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