Sunday, December 24, 2017

Update from Ms. R

Update from Ms. R

Thank you everyone for the generous gifts! They are not necessary but they are appreciated. I wish all the Room 204 families a safe and happy holiday!

The homework for this week is…there is no formal homework! The children have worked very hard in the last 76 school days and they deserve a break. HOWEVER, each child has promised me that he/she will read for 20 minutes or more EACH day. During the unstructured holiday time it’s easy to neglect such a simple activity, but it is very important for children of this age to read each day. Recall that reading experiences include: reading to self, reading aloud to an adult or listening to an adult read aloud.

Please note that our LIBRARY DAY (Day 1) currently falls on Mondays. Therefore we will be visiting the library on the first day back to school (January 8). Please help your child to remember to return his/her library book.

Important Dates:

December 23 - January 7 - Winter Holidays

January 8 - First day of school for 2018

January 19 - PA Day (no classes)

(*For all holiday and P. A. Day dates, please go to the "calendar" section of the Toronto District School Board website at

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