The last full week of school had the class very busy with a wide range of activities!
The class started the week by watching a play based on the story "The Wizard of Oz" put on by the core French classes. Then on Thursday, they saw a production of the play "DIg It" by students from the junior classes.
The children worked hard to complete all their sock monkeys. The stuffed creatures now have faces and tails. The students are now working in groups to create stories to be videotaped next week. Look for their movies on this blog! I will post them next weekend.
The class read a near-fiction story (a fiction story with non-fiction information) about hiccups and completed a reading comprehension activity.
In math, the students did "reverse word problems". These are questions where the answer, in the form of an equation is given and the children have to work out a word problem that makes sense.
The class learned how to make flip books. After having a chance to look at the books in my flip book collection, to get ideas, the children planned their books. Then they took blank flip books and drew the pictures to make their own flip books.
The students learned about the sport of Speed Stacking or cup stacking. After watching videos of how to do the different competition stacks, the children had a chance to practise themselves. They will continue to practise next week for an in-class competition on the last day of school.
Pioneer Day! On Wednesday, the students lived like it was June 21, 1817. They helped to make lunch by peeling carrots, making butter and cornmeal pancakes. They ate lunch in the classroom, including pickles, cheese, baked beans with fresh strawberries and blueberries for dessert. They used chalkboards to practise the word wall words (spelling) and two- an three-digit addition and subtraction questions. They made art using small, flat panels of wood. The children had a chance to go outside and play tug-of-war. They used feathers as "quill pens" with black paint as "ink" and wrote in cursive letters, the alphabet and the pangram, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." Did you know a pangram is a sentence that has all 26 letters of the alphabet at least once?
After hearing the read aloud book about honeybees, the students had a chance to see real honeycomb and tasted fresh honey. Did you know that honeybees create hexagonal prisms out of wax to hold the nectar they collect from flowers and they use their wings to "fan" the nectar to evaporate the water in the nectar to concentrate the sugars to make honey?
Finally at the end of the day on Friday, the gym teacher was away and so I taught the class again. The children played badminton and of course, their favourite game, "Octopus".
Books read aloud this week:
POP UP! A Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
The House That Jill Built by Phyllis Root
In Grandpa's Day - Memories of a Pioneer Life by Roxanne McLaren
The Fabulous Bouncing Chowder by Peter Brown
The Honeybee Man by Lela Nargi
Little House on the Prairie - "The Award" (DVD)
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