Here is the video for "Upside Down and Inside Out" by OK GO.
This is the song the class will perform a dance to at the concert on June 15th.
News for June
This week the students finished the author study of the Canadian author Dayal Kaur Khalsa. She wrote eight books and we read them all. After learning more about her life, the students were asked to pick their favourite book. In their writing journals, they wrote a bit about Dayal Kaur Khalsa, why the book they chose was their favourite and their favourite book character. Did you know that her real name was Marcia Schonfeld and she was born in the United States?She converted to the Sikh religion as an adult and changed her name. She came to Canada in 1973 and liked it so much here that she stayed.
In math, the children started the week solving a junior grade level math challenge. With a partner they had to use what they know about fractions and geometry to solve the problem. Later in the week, the students reviewed algebra concepts by solving equations like 6 + ___ = 9. The children also created different calendar patterns for the month of June. The children learned how to solve "magic squares" and used this knowledge to help them solve Sudoku-style logic puzzles.
The class practiced their story writing skills by working with a partner to write cooperative stories. These stories are fun to write because they can be very funny and very silly!
In science, the class learned about forces causing movement. A force is a push or a pull that causes movement of objects by touching them (contact) or from a distance (non-contact). they also learned about the forces of gravity, friction and magnets. We also welcomed Scientist Emily from Scientists in the schools on Thursday afternoon. She lead the students through over 10 different experiments to help them understand different kinds of forces. A big THANK YOU to all the parent volunteers for their help!
The students finished up their artwork inspired by collective nouns for animals, like a "venom of spiders". This art is now on display in the hall outside of our classroom.
We said "good bye" to our last butterfly on Monday. The children wrote a final reflection on what they learned during this caterpillar-to-butterfly science project.
The class began preparing for our concert performance in two weeks. They heard the song "Upside Down and Inside Out" by the American band, OK GO. The students also watched the music video for this song that has the band members moving about in zero gravity.
Finally, on Friday afternoon, our principal, Mrs. Farrelly hosted a celebration outside for the grade 3 and grade 6 students thanking the children for all their hard work when writing the EQAO test.
This Books read aloud this week:
Julian by Dayal Kaur Khalsa
I Want a Dog by Dayal Kaur Khalsa
I Want a Dog (video) retold by Sheldon Cohen at
Tales of a Gambling Grandma by Dayal Kaur Khalsa
Sleepers by Dayal Kaur Khalsa
The Glass Doorknob - A Sock Monkey Story by Tony Millionaire
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