The homework for this week is to complete the Social Studies worksheet and the math sheet reviewing concepts covered in class during the week. This homework is due on Friday, May 12th.
Parent Notes:
The grade 3 students will be writing the standardized EQAO test May 23 to 26. This test covers the grade 3 writing, reading and math curriculum for the year. All grade 3 students in the province of Ontario write this test. The test results will be returned to families in September 2017. Test results are not part of the final report cards. Parents are asked to make sure students are at school during the testing week and for children to arrive to school on time in the morning. Please schedule appointments for the weeks before or after the testing week. During this time, the grade 2 students will be going to Ms. Ceneda's class. If you have any questions about EQAO, please contact me or visit the EQAO official website at
Important Dates:
May 16 - Author/Illustrator Mike Deas visits our school.
May 18 - Author Elizabeth Macleod visits our classroom! She will talk about the books she has written about Canadian history and First Nations people.
May 22 - Victoria Day holiday
May 23 to 26 - EQAO testing - grade 3 students only.
June 1 (afternoon) - Scientists in the School visit
June 2 - Jump Rope for Heart fundraising event
June 6 - Trip to the Gardiner Museum with Ms. Ceneda's class
June 9 - P.A. Day (no school)
June 15 - SPRING CONCERT (evening) - Our class will perform during this event! Please mark this day on your calendars.
June 21 - Pioneer Day - We will pretend it's June 21, 1817 in Room 204 all day. We will be preparing lunch in class that day, so children do not need to bring their lunches.
June 29 - Last day of school for the 2016-2017 school year.
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