Sunday, May 21, 2017

Update from from Ms. R

The homework for this week is to complete the math sheets reviewing many of the topics covered this year. This homework is due on Friday, May 26th.

PARENTS...Please read the following:
1. The warm weather has...sort of...arrived. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for being outdoors. Students spend 15 minutes outside at both morning and afternoon recesses and 30 minutes outdoors at lunch time. Many children are coming to school without jackets or sweaters and sometimes the temperature is around 10C. If in doubt, please tuck a sweater or jacket into your child's backpack. Also, the sun is very hot. (Actually, we looked it up and it's over 5,000C!) On very sunny days, your child needs to wear a HAT and SUNSCREEN when outdoors. Students are also encouraged to bring a personal bottle of water. It has been my observation that students who are not protected from the strong rays of the sun are often lethargic and headachy when they come back to the classroom.
2. WE NEED PARENT VOLUNTEERS! There are two events for which we need parent volunteers. This is the only time of year that I ask for volunteers to help our class and I encourage you to volunteer, if you are able to do so. Please email me or speak to me in person if you can help us.
June 1 (12:30-3:20) - Scientists in the Schools will be visiting Room 204 and have asked that 4 parent volunteers help the children with the science activities.
June 6 (11:00-3:20 - We are going with Ms. Ceneda's class to the Gardiner Museum. We will need at least 4 parent volunteers to help the children. We will be eating an early lunch in the classroom and then taking the TTC downtown. There is no cost for parent volunteers.

Important Dates:
May 22 - Victoria Day holiday
May 23 to 26 - EQAO testing - grade 3 students only.
June 1 (afternoon) - Scientists in the School visit
June 5 - Jump Rope for Heart fundraising event
June 6 - Trip to the Gardiner Museum with Ms. Ceneda's class.
June 9 - P.A. Day (no school)
June 15 - SPRING CONCERT (evening) - Our class will perform during this event! Please mark this day on your calendars.
June 21 - Pioneer Day - We will pretend it's June 21, 1817 in Room 204 all day. We will be preparing lunch in class that day, so children do not need to bring their lunches.
June 29 - Last day of school for the 2016-2017 school year.

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