Friday, December 30, 2016

Update from Ms. R

Thank you to all the families for the generous gifts I received. They are not necessary, but they are very much appreciated! I wish all the students and their families a safe and happy holiday!

The homework for the holidays is that there is no formal homework. HOWEVER...the students are expected to read for 20 minutes (or more) EACH day. Please encourage your child to maintain his/her daily reading routine. During holiday days of unstructured time, it's easy to forget, but it is very important in the early primary years for children to read every day.

***Note for parents***
In January, our class will have lunch at a later time. Students will still eat lunch in the same place (Room 305) but now they will play outside from 11:35 - 12:05 and eat their lunches afterwards from 12:05 - 12:35.

Important Dates:
January 9 - First day of classes for 2017
January 20 - PA Day - no classes
February 17 - PA Day - no classes
February 20 - Family Day holiday
March 13 to 17 - March Break holiday

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