Sunday, December 18, 2016

Update from Ms. R

The homework for this week is to write a story (fiction or non-fiction) in the homework writing journal. The suggested topic was "snow". Some story ideas we shared were stories about a snow monster, magic snow and what the world would be like if snow was vanilla ice cream. There is also a math worksheet reviewing time concepts covered this past week. The homework is due on Friday, December 23rd. 
***Please note: Recently, many children have not been handing in their homework on the due date. I would appreciate your help by making sure your child hands in his/her homework on time. Thank you.

Food Bank Project Update
Thank you so much to all the families who contributed money to our class Food Bank project! We collected money from all the classes in the school this week. The children each had a chance to speak on the morning announcements to advertise this worthy cause. They all did an excellent job! The class will finish counting the money next week and we'll write a letter to the Daily Bread Food Bank letting the people there know that the students at our school have donated money to help others.

Important Dates:
December 23 - Last days of classes for 2016
January 9 - First day of classes for 2017

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