June is all about reviewing concepts in Room 5! From math to spelling to using and sharing strategies to solve problems, we are now highlighting and reviewing for the last days until the end of the school year.
In spelling, we are highlighting the tricky homophones (for example, there/their/they're) and playing with words like synonyms (words with similar meanings) and antonyms (words with opposite meanings).
In math, we had a big challenge using raisins to do math! The students were given small boxes of raisins and estimated how many were inside, counted them, compared the results with their friends, found the mode (the number most often found) and how to combine and share the raisins fairly in their table groups. THEN, the next day I gave them a larger box of raisins and they used what they learned the day before to help them estimate and share the raisins efficiently and fairly. Afterwards, of course, they could eat the raisins. Math (and learning) can be sweet!
The class finished their geometric tessellation (tiling) art, inspired by the mathematician/artist, M. C. Escher. They had a chance to look at some books of Escher's art, solve some tessellation puzzles and of course, work on completing their tessellation art. When done, they mounted the art, along with the tessellation puzzle piece on black construction paper and wrote a reflection on their artistic process. These are now on display in the hall outside of our classroom.
The science research posters are almost finished. The students took their research and wrote complete sentences to copy onto their posters. We are learning a lot about different trees and plants. Watch for a video of cool facts about trees and plants next week!
Ms. Bardi asked our class if we would like to write thank you letters to Toronto police officers. Of course we said "yes"! After reviewing the types of work the police do in our city to keep our city safe, the students each wrote a letter to a police officer thanking them for all the good work they do. These letters were given to the police officers at the end of the week.
The children have been practicing very hard for our presentation at the concert next Wednesday, June 10th at Hodgson Senior Public School. A copy of the lyrics was sent home on Friday for those students wishing to learn the words to the song. (This is optional and is not assigned homework.)
Books read aloud this week:
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell (chapter book - continued)
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