This week the students learned about anagrams. An anagram is a word, group of words or a sentence that is formed by rearranging all the letters in another word, group of words or sentence.
In math, the class learned some math tricks with paper. First the students learned about and created "flexagons". These are paper models trick the eye to show more than two sides of a piece of paper. The children also learned about the Moebius Strip paper trick. This trick takes a long, thin piece of paper and after putting a twist in it, tape it into a circle. This creates a circle of paper that has only one side.
The students started to learn about playing cards. They worked with partners to describe what makes a deck of cards. For example, a complete deck of cards has 52 cards with 26 red cards and 26 black cards and these are divided further into 4 "suits", 13 each of hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades.
The class reviewed money concepts by working together to count the field trip money for our class and Mr. Hinrichsen's class. First we calculated that there should be 29 x $13.00 = $377.00, then the children sorted, counted and added to figure out that there was $377.75. We are not sure why there was an extra $0.75....
The children reviewed the pioneer unit by comparing modern times to pioneer times using a Venn diagram to help sort out what is unique to modern times and unique to pioneer times and what is the same for both.
The students spent a lot of time practicing for the concert performance. They all worked really hard to put together a polished performance and it really paid off. Their time on stage was both inspiring and joyful!
The students finished the science unit on plants by watching a DVD about trees and plants. They also started a project where we will be researching the trees on our playground. So far we identified the basswood tree outside our classroom window and the big silver maple tree on the south side of the field. The children measured around the tree trunks to figure out how old the trees are and approximately when they were planted. The basswood tree is about 48 years old (planted around 1967) and the silver maple tree is about 118 years old (planted around 1897).
After completing their research posters, the students made a video of cool facts. Here is the video:
The class learned about the sport of Speed Stacking this week. Speed Stacking is stacking cups up and down as fast as possible. After watching a DVD, the students got to work stacking cups. The children record their times to see how they are improving their times the more that they practice.
Books read aloud this week:
The Bizarre and Incredible World of Plants edited by Alexandra Papadakis
ANN and NAN are ANAGRAMS - A Mixed Up Word Dilemma by Mark Shulman
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell (chapter book - continued)
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