Sunday, March 15, 2015

News for March 13

News for March 13

This week started out with the class being invited to the gym to listen to the grade 4, 5 and 6 students give speeches for the annual Speech Arts Contest. It's important for children in grade 3 to attend this event as they will be writing and giving speeches next year, when they are in grade 4.

The students worked very hard to finish up the poetry unit this week. They wrote poems based on the Fibonacci pattern of 0,1,1,2,3,5,8 syllables. Then they painted colourful backgrounds on long paper and measured out and folded the paper to reflect the Fibonacci pattern. The children also created folded books to showcase the other poems they wrote. They glued good copies of their poems to the "pages" and folded it up to make a final book of their poems.

In math, the students learned about how to measure capacity (or the amount that an object can hold) using litres and millilitres. Capacity is different from volume because volume is the amount of space an objects takes up. We also learned about measuring mass (or the amount of "stuff" that makes up objects) using kilograms and grams. On Earth, mass is equal to weight (or how heavy an object is due the pull of gravity).

We visited our Learning Buddies this week in Room 103. It was the students' turn to be the teachers of the kindergarten students and they taught the students all about popcorn! First we taught them a song, then the children taught the kindergarteners to "read" the words to the song and then they used magnifying glasses to look at popcorn kernels and popped popcorn. Did you know that popcorn pops because there is a drop of water inside the popcorn kernel and when it is heated to 100 degrees Celsius the water expands, turns to steam and the kernel explodes!

On Thursday, the children joined the rest of the school along with an estimated 160,000 other students to celebrate healthy food choices by eating an apple at 2:30 pm and joining in on "the big crunch". It was a nice break in the school day and nicely celebrated healthy eating.

The class learned how to play the game "Dots". This is a great game of luck and strategy. It's played on a grid of dots aligned in a matrix of squares. The game progresses as players take turns drawing straight lines, vertically and horizontally. If a player makes a finished square, he or she claims it by writing his or her initial in the square. The winner is the player who has the most completed squares.

Books read aloud this week:

Sock Monkey and the Glass Doorknob by Tony Millionaire
Everything's Coming Up Sock Monkeys by B. K.Connelly
Up in the Tree by Margaret Atwood
I Saw a Peacock With a Feiry Tail by Anonymous (a 17th century Indian poem, in trick verse)
The World That Loved Books by Stephen Parlato

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