Sunday, March 1, 2015

News for February 27

News for February 27

This week the students worked very hard on creating their sock creatures. They are finding out that there are a lot of steps to creating and finishing an original sock creature. So far, the creatures all have a body, a tail and at least one arm...

The class continued to learn more about writing poetry. The students finished their concrete (shape) poems. They also started a new filing system to keep track of the poems they have written and if they have completed their good copies. The students also learned about and wrote some mask (riddle) poems. We talked about how lyrics (words) to songs are like poetry. After reading the story of the song "Wavin' Flag" by Somalian-Canadian poet, K'naan, we watched the video:

On Tuesday, author Michael Wade visited our school and gave a wonderful talk about not only his books but also about being a writer. Our class drew and painted a sign to hang in the gym for his presentation. We presented a binder of the letters and art the children did for Mr. Wade and since the students asked him questions in their letters, we hope that he will write us back!

In math, we are still working on our money unit and learning how to make change from amounts up to $10.00. The students did word problems alone and in groups, they played games on the iPads and used play money to practice, practice, practice!

On Thursday, our whole school celebrated "Carnaval". The children attended a concert in the gym of all kinds of music from South America (where they celebrate a similar holiday called "Mardi Gras"). Then they played bingo, ate pancakes, made button pins, played computer games, played floor hockey and tried out the equipment to play games of curling. It was a great day!

We visited our Learning Buddies in Room 5 this week and helped them create and collect sheets that recorded their eye colour. Room 101 will use this information to create graphs for their math unit.

Books read aloud this week:

Geronimo Stilton's Little Book of Happiness by Elizabetta Dami
Cat in the Hat by Dr. Suess
Quebec - Journey Across Canada by Harry Beckett
When I Get Older - The Story Behind Wavin' Flag by K'naan
Martin Luther King - A Man of Peace by Garnet Jackson

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