Sunday, September 16, 2012

Update from Ms. R

The Terry Fox Run was a great success! Our class raised $49.27 for cancer research.

The class started the Borrow-A-Book program. To assist the daily homework expectation of reading 20 minutes or more a day, students are allowed to borrow chapter books from the class library. The students are to track the number of pages that they read everyday in the notebook provided.

This week the homework is to write a story (fiction or non-fiction) in the homework writing journal based on the picture stamped on the first page of the journal. The students each read and signed an "editing promise" to do their best work in their writing journals. This homework is due on Friday, September  21.


There has been a change to the school's Curriculum Night. There will not be a BBQ this year. The Curriculum Night will start at 5:30 PM in the gym with a greeting from our new principal, Shona Farrelly. Then parents can proceed to their child's or children's classrooms. The evening will end at 7:00 PM.

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