Sunday, September 23, 2012

News for September 21

News for September 21

The week began with our class winning the "Golden Shoe Award" for the class that ran the most laps for the school's kilometre club. Great going Room 5!

The students worked hard to complete their non-fiction writing reports about our class pet fish. They also learned how to use clear plastic and black tape to make their drawings look like fish tanks. These reports are now on display in the hallway outside of our classroom. We also worked together to unpack the writing process and created a wall chart to summarize the stages of writing and they reviewed the ways to create a successful piece of writing.

In our guided reading groups this week, the children talked about how illustrations contribute to the understanding of a story and how authors use italics to get readers to slow down and read those words with a little more power.

In math, the students continued to build upon their knowledge of place value by looking at 3 and 4 digit numbers. Through using the workbook and games, the children discovered that to make the biggest numbers, one must put the biggest digits in the thousands and hundreds places. They also recorded their strategies for winning the Place Value Game in their new math journals. The class also examined ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc.) and learned that regular numbers are called cardinal numbers.

The children reviewed the "5 W's + how" and the ways these 6 words help people understand their reading and plan their writing. The students reviewed the fact that asking and answering questions using the words "why" and "how" show higher level thinking.

The class learned how to use apostrophes to show possession. For example, "Jan's lunch" uses an apostrophe and an s to show the lunch belongs to Jan. However, if the noun already ends in the letter s, then only an apostrophe is necessary. For example, "Jess' lunch".

The students learned about the history of the hamburger while practicing two reading comprehension strategies. The first was to read the questions first before reading the text to have an idea of what to pay attention to in the text. The second was to underline important information as the text is being read. Did you know that the hamburger is so named because hundreds of years ago, the ground meat patty was so popular in  Hamburg, Germany?

This week the class met their Reading Buddies from Room 101 - Ms. Breslaw's JK/SK class. The students had a great time getting to know their buddies and reading books with them. We will be visiting our Reading Buddies every other week.

In science, the students began the unit on structures by exploring what makes a stable structure. Through experimenting with different materials, like playing cards, dice, and pom poms, the children learned different strategies for making structures that didn't fall down.

The class designed and created the second piece of decorated fabric for their pillows this week. After reviewing the different ways to draw lines (e.g., straight, zig-zag), the children drew line designs on white fabric. Then, they sprayed on rubbing alcohol on the fabric and watched the marker ink bleed into the surrounding fabric. We learned that black sharpie ink is actually made up of a very dark purple ink!

Books Read Aloud This Week

The 100 Dresses by Eleanor Estes (chapter book)

Learning ASL with Room 5 - Episode 2

This week our class teaches how to make the hand signs for the 26 letters of the alphabet.

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