Saturday, November 12, 2011

Update from Ms. R

The good news from Room 5 this week was our winning a "Golden Shoe" award! Every child (including myself) arrived at school by walking or using the subway. It was a great ABC (Anything But a Car) day!
I forgot to mention that our class now has a student teacher for the next few weeks. Nikki Fletcher is a student at the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study at OISE/University of Toronto. This is a special honour for me as I received my Master's degree from this same program.
The parents of our school now have a website to communicate upcoming events. Visit the site at:
Important Dates:
November 14- Progress reports go home
November 17 (evening) and November 18 (morning)- Parent/teacher interviews
November 30- Class trip to the ROM to see the Rocks and Minerals exhibit (details to follow)
December 1- Multicultural Night (*New date)
December 20 - Winter Concert (our class will be performing)

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