During this 4 day week, the children worked hard to complete their work to go on display for all the parents to see when visiting the class for parent/teacher interviews.
The students started out the week by viewing a music video by Kina Grannis that uses animated jellybeans. We also watched a video about how the video was made and the students were inspired to make some jellybean art. It was a lot harder than it looked in the video! The students worked in pairs to design and create an image out of jellybeans. They also figured out that the 288,00 jellybeans, if laid end-to-end, would measure 576,000 cm or 5,760 m or almost 6 km!
After all this thinking and learning the students decided to write letters to Kina (the singer songwriter) and Greg (the director) to tell them what they thought about the video and to ask them some questions. After reviewing how to write a standard letter, the students got to work and hopefully we will be able to send the letters, drawings and photos to them (in California!) next week.
In math, we started the unit on the measurement of time. We reviewed the concepts of days, weeks and years and talked about why we use these units of time (for example, one day = one revolution of the earth as it spins on its axis and one year = the time it takes for the earth to go once around the sun). We also started to talk about analog and digital clocks. Each student made an analog clock to use to help them with his/her understanding of these concepts.

The students finished their pillows this week by learning how to hand sew the opening of their pillows so the stuffing won't fall out.
The penguin stories were finally finished and put on display in our hallway.
The students worked hard on their first movie projects this week. The children worked in groups to create an original story and problem-solved how to tell the story visually. They also made beginning and ending credits and picked the music. After filming the movies, the class practiced how to give positive criticism and how to communicate what the groups could do next time to make their movies even better. The movies are posted on our sister blog at:
What?! Cried Granny by Kate Lum (Ms. R's favourite read aloud book ever!)
Here is the video we watched on how they made the jellybean video:
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