News for April 16
The big news this week was the visit of the author Andrea Beck to our school. Ms. Beck is best known for her books featuring the Elliot Moose character. The students learned how to draw Elliot Moose and made lots of drawings to decorate a "thank you" poster for Ms. Beck. This poster was given to her at the end of her talk. She was so pleased she said she would put a picture of the poster we made on her website!
The students finished writing their pioneer stories. These will be typed up and the students will make them into books next week. After reading aloud the book "The Golden Rule" the class talked about the importance of this rule (treat people the way you want to be treated) and how it is followed by people in different countries and of different religions. The students then answered some multiple choice questions and wrote longer answers to comprehension questions.
The students found the spelling and rhyming partners for the word wall word "old". They found 16 different rhyming words. The class noticed that our word wall word "young" has a homonym, "Yonge" Street. After some research we learned that Yonge Street was made 217 years ago, in 1793. It is one of the longest streets in the world, measuring 1896 kilometres. It is named after Sir George Yonge who was a member of the British government who was an expert on the streets in ancient Rome.
The cursive letters we learned this week were: y, w, t, r, j.
In math, the students finished the unit on capacity by reviewing concepts of litre (L) and millilitre (mL). A key concept is that there are about 4 glasses of liquid in one litre. They started the unit on mass by learning about the relative weights of different things and the standard unit of the kilogram (kg).
The students worked in their research groups to finish the models of the buildings in our pioneer village and to write the good copy of the information that they learned about their group's building.
In computers, the children visited the author Andrea Beck's website and played a "capacity" math game. Here are the links to these sites:
Here is the art challenge video, based on the artwork the students made last week:
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