News for April 1
There was a lot going on during this short week. The class attended two special presentations in the gym. One was a visit from the Earth Rangers. This is an environmental group that spoke to the students about the importance of keeping the fresh water on earth clean and to show two unusual animals: Sonic the European barn owl and Shelly the painted turtle.
The second special event was a play called "The Name Of The Tree" by the Little Red Theatre. This play was based on an African folktale.
In math, Ms. Rodrigues led students through some discovery activities learning about capacity and they also did some more work on fractions, looking a parts of a set of objects.
The students started to learn how to do lower case cursive writing. This week they did "a", "d" and "g".
After reading aloud the book "The Zlooksh", Ms. Rodrigues, helped the students write a continuing adventure for the characters in the story.
The class did a shared reading of the narrative poem, "A Corner Of Bread" and analyzed the parts of the story that the poem tells.
The class learned about the Jewish holiday of Passover and shared some matzo bread. The children also used fancy Japanese paper to cover a styrofoam egg. Since an egg cannot be covered by a flat piece of paper, each student tore the patterned paper into small pieces to collage on the surface of the eggs.
In computers, the students visited the website for the Earth Rangers:
(The unlock codes, for some of the games, are: CFMS29, CDAT29, MBAO29, SSYS29, SLIE29, MPBO29, MCB029, CBNV29).
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