This week the students continued their investigations of the "Elements of Design" (colour, line, texture, space, form, shape). They finished their colour and line art and wrote a reflection on how they made the artwork as well as what the art reminds them of. They learned about primary, secondary and neutral colours and tried mixing paints to create new colours.
The students worked in pairs to find different colours in our classroom and created art "assemblages" of that colour on our carpet using the different objects that they found. The partners then made posters communicating information about their colour, illustrated by photographs. Finally they each cut out the paint colour patches that they mixed and painted and arranged them on a narrow piece of paper using "an artist's eye" to find the arrangement they liked best. All these projects are now on display in the stairwell by our classroom. A video showing the art can be found at the end of this posting.
In math, we reviewed our graphing unit and both grades wrote the unit test. At the end of the week, the class began the unit on money by reviewing the different Canadian coins.
In social studies, the students began discussing Flag Day (February 15) by talking about the Canadian flag. They children began to build miniature flagpole structures.
On Thursday, the students attended a Recognition Assembly in the gym. The junior grade students presented projects about how "Carnivale" is celebrated all over the world.
In computers this week, the students visited the site:

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