This was a very busy week in Room 5!
Thursday was the 100th day of school. Our class celebrated by doing many activities based on the number 100. The students played with collections of 100 objects (for example, pennies and straws), filled a 100 chart style grid with stamps and drawings, counted out 100 fruity cereal loops on red licorice and exercising for 100 seconds and doing physical activities (for example, 100 jumping jacks). A video of our morning is at the end of this posting.
Our dance unit continued with the children listening to the rhythm of different kinds of music and showing the beat by moving their bodies in different ways. They used balls and fabric to help them express their reactions to the music.
We received a thank you letter back from the Quaker company (actually Pepsi, because Pepsi owns the Quaker company). They thanked us for sending them the results of our rice cake survey. They also included $16 worth of coupons for us to use to buy Quaker products for our class.
In math we continued the math unit exploring money. The students practised money counting strategies. The children learned how to sort the coins and then, starting with the largest value of coin, to use skip counting to add up the value of the coins.
We began our unit on fairy tales by listing all the fairy tales that the students already know. The class referred to our "fairy tale checklist" to help decide if a story is a fairy tale or not (for example, animals act like people or groups of three). We read some different versions of these stories (for example, "The Emperor Penguin's New Clothes) and we went to the gym to see a new version of "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" presented as a play.
The class learned more about Canada's Flag Day celebrated on February 15th. Did you know that the flag is 45 years old this year and it has a maple leaf with 11 points so you can still see it is a leaf when it flies in the wind? (Most real maple leaves have 23 points.) The children compared the holidays of Flag Day and Valentine's Day using a Venn diagram. Each student created his/her own Canadian Flag complete with a flagpole pulley system, so the flag can be raised. The flags went home on Friday to help families cheer on our Canadian athletes at the Olympic games.
The students created poems for Valentine's Day and made cards for their families. On Friday, the children made their own colourful paper mailboxes for our valentine card exchange. We also made healthy fruit smoothies to enjoy with some sweet treats at our party in the afternoon.
During our computer time this week we watched a dance video using treadmills! The students also practised money counting skills using a game. These can be found at these sites:
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