This week was a very busy! The children all got settled into their new home in Room 5.
The students talked about all the rules of behaviour for the classroom, halls, playground, lunchroom, gym and music room. They came up with over 33 rules! Then we looked at and sorted the rules and realized that we could really just say "Work hard and be nice" and everyone will get along just fine.
Each child created a handmade journal by "squish" painting a book cover and then folding sheets of paper and sewing them to the cover. This art journal is stored in each child's desk and used sometimes for art lessons (this week we looked at Ed Emberley's method for creating cartoon drawings) and sometimes for drawing in free time.
We reviewed the proper way to print letters, with special care taken to make tall or sky letters (b-d-f-h-k-l-t), below the line or water letters (g-j-p-q-y) as well as middle size letters (a-c-e-i-m-n-o-r-s-u-v-w-x-z).
In math we looked at patterns in the hundred chart, repeating, growing (increasing) and shrinking (decreasing) patterns. The children learned how to do a card trick and made towers out of cards (did you know the Guinness record for a tower of cards is over 7 metres high?)
The class made a chart of all the different things the students wanted to learn this year.
The children checked out books from the library this week. (They are due next day 3 - Thursday Sept. 17.)
In preparation for our field trip next week, the class heard the story "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs" and then wrote in their journals about how they would like (or not like) to live in the town of Chewandswallow.
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