February 27 News
This week we welcomed our new student teacher, Ms. Lindsay to our class. She is from the teacher training program at The Institute of Child Study at OISE/UT (which is the same school that I attended).
The students continued to read, listen to and write poetry. They created list poems and started to make their poetry books. One poem lists words that begin with the same letter sound and are arranged to make a crazy sentence. We talked about how words in songs (lyrics) are a type of poem and we listened to and read the words of the Beatles' song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds". They also wrote poems using nonsense words to make rhymes.
In math, after a final assessment for the graphing unit, we started a new unit on division (workbook group) and on measuring time (clipboard group).
In art, we talked about abstract art and the students made colourful abstract paintings to go with their poems. They also made a collage of words by cutting out words from magazines.
On Tuesday, the whole school celebrated French Carnaval after the celebrations in Quebec. This holiday is also known around the world as Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday and Pancake Day. The children decorated cookies, played floor hockey, made sculptures, played Carnival computer games, had face painting/tatoos and ate pancakes.
The class went to the gym on Wednesday morning to see a play by The Little Red Theatre Company. The play was based on Aesop's fables.
The students began the new unit in Social Studies on life in Canada around 1800. They learned about ways the native people helped the new immigrants in our library time. The children also learned about how the wool from sheep was used to make things for the home. The students even learned how to dye wool (although we used Kool-Aid!).
The class read a story in The Globe and Mail newspaper, about a new species of fish called a "frogfish" that was found this week living on the bottom of the ocean in Indonesia. It is the size of a fist and has light brown and orange stripes. It moves by bouncing like a ball on the ocean floor. To see a video, go to:
Wow, that was some week. I learn so much about my son's life when I read his class blog.
The frogfish is really neat looking. Lola and I watched the video and she thought it was weird looking but I thought it was beautiful.
I will have to ask Cole about the play, poems and lucy in the sky.
Lucky students to have such an interesting curriculum.
Thanks for your comment. We are very busy in Room 5! The students wrote their own lyrics (lyrics are like poems set to music)to Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and we listened to Elton John's version of the song. We will be recording our "blended" version of the new lyrics (that is everyone picked their best line) and I will post it next week.
Ms. R
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