February 20 News
This week the children finished up the math unit by doing their own surveys of the class. Each student wrote their own survey question and the class went around and answered each other's questions. They then tallied, graphed and wrote about what they found out. This information is now displayed in our hallway.
The class talked about the importance of Canada's Flag Day (February 15). On Feb. 15, 1965 the Canadian flag was first flown in Ottawa. We talked about how flags say the name of a country without using words.
We began our unit on poetry by looking at the lyrics to our national anthem, "O Canada". The words started out as a poem. Each day for the next 2 weeks the students will listen to D.P.R. (Daily Poetry Reading) and write some poems. So far the students have written rhyming couplets, acrostic and concrete (or shape) poems.
We had two visitors to our class this week to teach us how to play "Spinclusion" a game that teaches inclusion and accepting the differences between people.
Our "Woolly Hoodwinks" project has now come to an end. This week the children wrote letters to the authors of the book as if they were the characters that they created. The students completed their movies and on Friday we watched all the movies (and so did the Woolly Hoodwinks). If you want to learn more about these characters, go to:
Our dance unit has come to an end. The children had a great time this week working together as a class and with a partner to create movements together. We were inspired by the band "Ok Go" dancing on treadmills, when we watched their video:
The class packed a lot into a four-day week!
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