Tuesday, November 11, 2008

November 12 News

November 12 News by Ansh and Eve

This is our peace writing, our painted peace poppies and our folded paper cranes. This photo is of Ms. Adeodu our new student teacher. She is helping the star student with the morning message.
In math we are talking about measurement, area and perimeter.
We saw a video about magnets. There are north and south poles on magnets. We made puppets out of stiff paper and taped paper clips on the bottom and we used magnets under a tissue box stage to move the puppets. Some of the magnets were not strong enough and seemed to lose their power.
We finished reading the book Stink and the Super Smelly Sneaker Contest. He didn't win because he ended up being a judge. His friend Sophie won the contest and they called her Sophie of the Smells.
We sang our peace song at the Remembrance Day ceremony. The whole school sang a song I am but a small voice. We had a visitor talk to us who survived the war and he had medals on his jacket.
We learned how adjectives make a story more interesting. If there were no adjectives in the world all the stories would be boring.
In our reading groups we learned how to use encyclopedias. I looked up tarantulas (Ansh) and I looked up Italy (Eve).
We sang some silly songs. I liked singing Hokey Pokey (Ansh) and I liked singing The Green Grass Grew All Around (Eve).
We learned a drawing technique to show how things glow by using straight, short lines like for fireflies, lightbulbs and candles.
Good bye from Eve and Ansh

1 comment:

Kemi said...

Dear Room 5!
I'm so impressed by the creativity of your magnet puppets! I can't wait to see the plays you've made up with them. See you tomorrow.
